Extended Care
St. Philip's Extended Care Program helps meet the needs of our school families by offering a safe, fun and professionally run after school care program. It provides supervision, recreation, and enrichment activities consistent with the philosophy of the school. Arts and craft projects, science experiments, games, recreation and snack time are just a few of the activities. There is also time set aside for homework and tutorial help.
Monday-Thursday 3:00-5:30
Friday 1:30-4:00
Half Days: 12:30-5:30 (excluding Fridays which close at 4:00)
No extended care on days that school vacation begins, e.g. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, summer.
Parents/guardians must complete the Extended Care Registration Form for each child who will attend extended care.​
Parents/guardians should also download the Brightwheel app to manage check-in, check-out, and communicate with Extended Care staff. Codes will be provided, if needed, following registration.
Important Reminders
Parents must inform the Extended Care Director which days their child(ren) will attend.
Parking is limited–please do not double park or block neighboring driveways. For pick up after 5pm, park in the church/pre-school parking lot (24th St. entrance).
If your schedule changes email the director or send a message via Brightwheel to let them know.
School gates are locked at 3:15pm and any child who is not picked up by that time will be sent to Extended Care and charged accordingly.
Availability & Rates
Extended care is open to students in grades K-8. A maximum of 30 students can be registered for regular attendance. There are an additional 10 spots for emergency drop-ins. The fees are:
Annual registration fee: $25
Hourly rate: $13 for the oldest child and $10 for each additional sibling (billed via FACTS)
Drop-in hourly rate: $15 (billed via FACTS)
Late fee : $5 per minute (billed via FACTS)
Check-In & Check-Out
Check-In: Brightwheel notifications are sent to parents/guardians once check-in is completed for their child(ren).
Check-out: Scan the QR Scan Code on the gate at Elizabeth St. to check your child(ren) out with your 4 digit pin code.
Contact & More Information
Extended Care Director: Ms. Elena Griego
Please contact Ms. Griego at elena.griego@saintphilipschool.org with any questions or for more information.