Strategic Priority
To reaffirm a clear connection between our school and church and to establish a more defined link between our church lives and our secular lives.
Context for Planning
St. Philip’s has a strong Catholic mission and identity which reflects the inclusive, diverse, community-based neighborhood in which it is located. Our school’s core beliefs and curriculum stem from what it truly means to be Catholic: open and welcoming to all. We pride ourselves on our dedication to address the intellectual, spiritual, moral, and social aspects of every child.
The context of this strategic plan comes from a desire within our community to establish a more defined link between our church lives and secular lives, and to reaffirm a clear connection between our school and church. We also aspire to elevate what our school currently has in place for Catholic Identity Standards (as set by the Western Catholic Education Association).
What we are going to do?
Strengthen the partnership between the school and the parish, and adapt to changes that result from the parish clustering process.
A: Facilitate more lines of communication between school families, parish staff, and community.
B: Create a cross-membership process to share communication between the Consultative Board and Parish Council.
Make school masses more interactive and engaging for students
A: Use the Children’s Lectionary & Family Mass and Eucharistic Prayer Book
B: Invite the class hosting mass to participate in the choir and decorate the altar
C: Integrate new music into the student masses
Strengthen the quality and relevance of community service opportunities for students and families.
Enhance the spiritual and faith development of students in addition to religion classes.
A: Provide training for teachers to facilitate in-school retreats and moderate personal faith discussions.
B: Institute short moments for reflection/meditation/mindfulness during the school day.
C: Build and maintain a community garden to teach kids about care for the environment.
Select a more contemporary religion textbook series that is approved by the Archdiocese and aligns with our school’s mission and values.
Explore the feasibility of creating a Campus Youth Ministry position.
A: A school-wide professional resource who would work in partnership with teachers to support student masses, sacramental preparation, religion classes, and enhancing all aspects of student faith development.
Strategic Priority
To enrich faculty and students with opportunities to collaborate and be inspired beyond traditional approaches to education, and take meaningful steps toward effectively supporting the diverse needs of all students.
Context for Planning
The current standard of academics at St. Philip’s is high. The school provides a well-rounded curriculum and dynamic teaching, integrating project based learning with traditional educational approaches. The desire for continued improvement and visible strategies to achieve ‘more’ and ‘better’ is strong among the faculty and the community.
Planning from a position of strength, St. Philip seeks to enrich both students and faculty, with opportunities to collaborate and be inspired beyond traditional methods and standard resources. With a wide variety of new and different approaches to education available, we want to optimize and capitalize on innovative and proven resources. Long-term, we aspire to be the school that rejects the idea of “teaching to the middle,” because we are resourced to effectively support the diverse needs of all students.
St. Philip’s will continue to offer a core academic program that effectively prepares our students for high school, meeting the curricular requirements set forth by the Archdiocese for all Catholic elementary schools. And we will continue to innovate by exploring new school-day, co-curricular, and after-school programs that reflect contemporary interests and the most meaningful investment of our resources.
What we are going to do?
Over time, we will reject the idea of “teaching to the middle,” by allocating resources to effectively address learning needs across the spectrum, from students with learning challenges to students who would benefit from greater academic challenges.
A: Revamp the Resource Program to include a dedicated full-time professional and additional classroom aides, who can support the full spectrum of learning needs, with an emphasis on early intervention.
B: Introduce math intervention in earlier grades, including a dedicated math resource for grades K-3.
C: Use objective data (e.g. STAR testing results) as the primary decision maker for access to the resource program.
D: Create more differentiated learning opportunities within the classroom rather than the current pull out system.
E: Purchase Lexia & Power Up, technology-based programs that assess students’ proficiency levels and enables students who are ready for more challenge to work at an advanced level.
Expand support for social & emotional learning needs.
A: Hire a full-time counselor
B: Integrate an ongoing, consistent focus on social emotional learning
C: Transition from a one off ‘program’ to implementing strategies and practices that are integrated into all aspects of school life
Expand the current core curriculum to reflect broader needs
A: Reinstate civics class into the curriculum to include a broader social studies program that includes executive functioning and study stills (including HSPT test taking prep)
B: Create more science lab time for K-3rd and explore how to add more science time to focus on STEM and more hands-on learning opportunities for all grades
Explore options for creating a more powerful Spanish language program.
Refresh the co-curricular program with an emphasis on offering more options for visual art, music, and the performing arts.
A: Introduce a musical to the school calendar to engage the full student body
Strengthen the stability of the school’s administration and faculty by developing strategies to retain high quality administrators, faculty, and staff.
Expand the integration of technology into classroom instruction.
A: Provide specific teacher training opportunities to enable inspired use of innovative techniques and programs
B: Create technology standards and core curriculum for each grade level.
C: Work in partnership with the technology strategic committee to implement cross functional plans
D: Explore the feasibility of engaging a dedicated ed-tech resource to support teachers in implementing structure and curriculum for each grade, as well as sourcing new programs for differentiated learning needs within the classroom
Strategic Priority
To improve the experience for all stakeholders, including students, faculty, and parents, through the effective deployment of technology as a tool both inside and outside the classroom.
Context for Planning
To prepare our students for high school, higher education, and life, St. Philip School believes that it is essential to emphasize and prioritize our students’ experience with technology. Through our strategic plan, we believe that it is important for us to provide 4 different kinds of technology “tools” – tools for classroom teaching and learning (educational technology); technology tools that will enable our students to be savvy users of technology in life (applications); tools to learn how to develop technology (computer science); and tools to enable efficient and effective school administration (communication, enrollment, etc.). To that end, St. Philip would aim to “mainstream” technology and expand resources to support technology including dedicated human resources and expanded financial support.
What we are going to do?
In collaboration with school administration, faculty, and “expert” outside support, develop a comprehensive technology plan that is designed to complement the existing curriculum, support professional development of faculty, and prepare students for classroom and evolving “life” technology needs.
A: Identify resources to work in partnership with the faculty to understand the lesson plans of the K – 8 teachers and jointly develop programs and teaching enhancements to ensure a richer experience.
B: Implement the best model to ensure dedicated support is available to faculty on an ongoing basis.
C: Create grade-level achievement goals for students that reflect the level of proficiency appropriate for classroom learning, life skills, and developing technology.
D: Provide resources to support professional development of faculty.
Improve the technology interfaces of the school (infrastructure).
A: Engage high quality 3rd party contractors or consultants to develop better central resources for teachers and parents, including an online parent portal and the ability to reduce the amount of paper sent home.
B: Update and standardize the accounting, HR and security software.
Develop the capacity to support IT hardware and software on a real-time, as-needed basis.
A: Engage a new cost effective IT support consultant who will be onsite and available to address IT related issues in real time.
B: Identify vendors who can provide IT support and deploy ed-tech resources for academics.
Strategic Priority
To address facilities needs within the context of Laudato Si’, with an emphasis on being thoughtful and responsible stewards of our facilities and our environment.
Context for Planning
Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home is an appeal from Pope Francis addressed to every person living on this planet. Pope Francis encourages us to engage in inclusive dialogue about how we are collectively shaping our future. Catholic schools, parishes, and dioceses, in response to Pope Francis’ call, are pro-actively identifying positive environmental practices within their communities and prioritizing areas for improvement.
Overall, the facilities at St. Philip’s are in great working condition, considering that our school is 80 years old! The school was recently retrofitted and the interior was painted in 2019. However, to be environmentally responsible, provide a safe and clean environment, and serve the current needs of the community, additional changes are necessary. We also want to be prepared to capitalize on new opportunities for space utilization and environmental stewardship as they arise.
What we are going to do?
Repair the boys’ and girls’ bathrooms with a focus on water conservation and sanitation.
Convert the computer lab to a multipurpose room that is energy efficient and meets the needs of multiple users at the school.
Identify smaller school projects that will improve the appearance, functionality, energy efficiency and comfort, particularly within classrooms.
Proactively engage in dialogue with the Parish about facilities’ needs, with a focus on mutually beneficial opportunities to thoughtfully and efficiently utilize space and serve as responsible stewards of our environment.
Work in partnership with the Parish to more effectively utilize Parish space for school-related activities.
A: Work with the parish on scheduling and utilizing the parish hall for school day needs, like lunch space.
B: Leverage future opportunities for space utilization that may emerge as the parish converts to a cluster model.
Strategic Priority
To continue to build an inclusive community where people feel informed, are actively engaged, and are meaningfully supporting the needs of St. Philip School.
Context for Planning
St. Philip School is proud of its incredibly strong, tight-knit community. Our families are the pillar of our community and play an important role in supporting the school through their involvement both within and beyond the classroom. We offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for parents. St. Philip could not thrive without the committed engagement of all families.
There is an old saying that “many hands make light work.” Our priorities for Community Engagement focus on continuing to build a culture of volunteerism and support – the generous giving of time, talents, and treasures.
It is also important for parents, prospective families, and the broader community to know who we are and what we do – our identity, our philosophy, our pedagogy, and our impact on the lives of students in our care. Enhancing communication with our community is also a priority for Community Engagement.
What we are going to do?
Enhance marketing, communication, and outreach to support enrollment.
A: Enhance marketing and communications efforts to inform prospective families about St. Philip’s programs.
B: Leverage technology (e.g. social media) to tell the St. Philip story.
C: Strengthen the process for recruitment, admissions, and enrollment.
Continue to strengthen communication with current families.
A: Strengthen ongoing communication with parents so they feel fully informed about the school’s academic philosophy and programs.
B: Introduce special parent information nights offering expanded insight and support.
C: Initiate an annual open house to share updates and strategic progress.
Restructure the PTG to so that it is more efficiently organized to support the needs of the school.
Increase the number of parents who are actively engaged in supporting the school, through their time, talents, or treasures.
A: Explore ways to engage parents that more effectively capitalize on their individual strengths, talents, and interests.
Enhance the volunteer experience for parents
A: Leverage technology to make it easier for the school to communicate with parents and for volunteers to engage with the school.
B: Prioritize gratitude – enhance recognition of volunteers.